Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Autumn classes- now enrolling!

New Italian language classes now enrolling!
Beginners & Intermediate levels
Dublin city centre

Ciao a tutti, students old and new!

As anticipated I am pleased to bring you the details of the new 2011 Language Classes, which will take place in Dublin over the course of 10 weeks this autumn, every Tuesday evening starting from the 20th of September.

To make it even easier for you to access the classes, this autumn the new Beginners and Improvers Italian courses will take place in the heart of the city at the Dublin Central Mission hall. This is located on Lwr. Abbey street, with a Luas stop literally outside the door and most bus routes on its doorstep. As always I will be teaching small groups only, with an emphasis on spoken language and active communication.

For more information and to book your place just get in touch at learnitaliandublin[at]gmail.com

A presto and I look forward to introducing you to my country!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Buona estate a tutti!
Cari alunni, come state? Tutto bene?
I am sorry I disappeared for a while, but as many of you know I am currently in Italy curating the Residency which is a lot of work, so wasn't able to keep up with correspondence as much as I would've liked.
I will be back in Dublin very soon though, to start planning the new Autumn classes. I have already started taking down names of people interested in taking part, so if you would like to express your interest in either a Beginner or Improvers class (group or one-to-one) just drop me an email.
This will help me get an idea of numbers and levels, and by the end of August I will get back to you with venue and fee details.

In the meantime...
...un saluto dalla bellissima Basilicata!

A destra, in alto: il paese di Noepoli (PZ), e la Residenza per Artisti Palazzo Rinaldi http://www.palazzorinaldi.com

Thursday, March 17, 2011

latest news

As the winter/ spring Beginners and Improvers' classes come to their 10-week close, I am starting planning for the next classes. Will keep you posted here, but until then if you would like to book a place or make enquiries just email me at learnitaliandublin@gmail.com
A presto!
- Susanna

Congratulations to Amalia!

Congratulazioni! My one-to-one student Amalia just successfully completed the Italian language CELI 1 exam. Tanti complimenti- sei stata bravissima!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Ciao a tutti e felice anno nuovo! Hope you had a wonderful break.

For those of you who have decided to make learning Italian their new year resolution (good idea!) there will be brand new classes starting this month. The new 10-week Beginners' Course will start on Wednesday 12th Jan and the Improvers' Course will begin a couple of weeks later, on Tuesday 25th and will also run for 10 weeks. These are both evening classes starting at 18.45 and lasting one hour 30 minutes, small groups of max 5 students per class. I also will start individual afternoon lessons this year, as I will be following people interested in taking the CELT exams.

There are still a few places available, so for more information or to book get in touch at learnitaliandublin@gmail.com I look forward to meeting you!
All the best,