Sunday, July 17, 2011

Buona estate a tutti!
Cari alunni, come state? Tutto bene?
I am sorry I disappeared for a while, but as many of you know I am currently in Italy curating the Residency which is a lot of work, so wasn't able to keep up with correspondence as much as I would've liked.
I will be back in Dublin very soon though, to start planning the new Autumn classes. I have already started taking down names of people interested in taking part, so if you would like to express your interest in either a Beginner or Improvers class (group or one-to-one) just drop me an email.
This will help me get an idea of numbers and levels, and by the end of August I will get back to you with venue and fee details.

In the meantime...
...un saluto dalla bellissima Basilicata!

A destra, in alto: il paese di Noepoli (PZ), e la Residenza per Artisti Palazzo Rinaldi