Thursday, September 6, 2012

Il Rientro!  aka that back to school feeling...

There's just something about autumn that makes you want to improve yourself and your knowledge, pick up a new hobby, or start a new course.  And what better than an Italian language course, something that will continue to enrich your life as you travel, watch a film, meet someone from the country or even just cook a traditional recipe?

The city centre Italian classes (both beginners and improvers) are about to start again!  I am looking forward to catching up with the students from the improvers' class and see how their summer went (I know a couple of them were heading to Italy for the summer), and to meet the new absolute beginners.

This year's courses will be focused more than ever on the spoken language, to ensure that students are equipped with the absolute confidence to partake in conversation and enjoy the language as actively as possible.  Reading, writing and grammar will also feature, as always, together with elements of Italian civilisation for an all-round experience.

As always classes hold a maximum of 8 students.  You can email me at learnitaliandublin[at] to reserve your spot or for further questions.  Classes are likely to start again in late Sept/ early Oct (exact date tbc).

I look forward to introducing you to my language!

A presto,